General Information
Thank you for taking the time to visit our website. Matthews-Vu Medical Group strives to provide quality healthcare for all ages and stages of life. Your healthcare and satisfaction are very important to us. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the office.
Billing Procedures
Payment for your care is required at the time of service. This includes co-pays, insurance deductibles, co-insurance and self-pay services. If you are unable to pay or have concerns please contact the Billing Office at 719-884-2799 and ask to speak with a billing representative. Our goal is to provide continuation of care. We request that you communicate any financial concerns you have, that might limit you from seeking medical care.
Financial Payment & Attendance Policy(opens in a new tab)
Prescription Refill Policy
Refill of medications should be addressed during office appointment. Please anticipate when you need a prescription refill, before you run out of medication, and let the provider know during your office visit so they can forward the refill request to your pharmacy. If you need a refill for medication, please call the office to make an appointment. We encourage prescription refill through your pharmacy. Please allow 3 business days for your request to be completed.

Helpful Links
- CDC information on COVID 19(opens in a new tab)
- American Academy of Pediatrics
- Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
- El Paso County Health Department
- El Paso County Health Department Travel Health
- Healow App Patient Guide(opens in a new tab)
- KKTV 11 For Health
- KOAA 5 Story
- Mayo Clinic
- UCHealth/Memorial Hospital
- Centura/Penrose-St. Francis Health Services
- UptoDate Inc.
- Vaccine Information
- El Paso County Public Health
Patient Forms
Click below find all of our printable forms. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to call.
Do you have a TeleVisit coming up? Read through the instructions below to make sure you have everything set up and ready for your appointment.
TeleVisit Quick Start Guide(opens in a new tab)
TeleVisit Detailed Guide(opens in a new tab)
TeleVisit Smartphone/Tablet/Desktop Guide(opens in a new tab)
Healow App TeleVisit Guide(opens in a new tab)
Informed Consent for Telemedicine Services(opens in a new tab)
Go Broncos!
Additional Information
Colorado Crisis Hotline
Crisis Hotline - 844-493-8255
Mental Health First Aid Colorado
Diversus Health - Lighthouse on Parkside Drive
Acute Services, Walk-in Crisis Center
115 S Parkside Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80910
719-572-6100 or 844-493-8255
Crisis Stabilization Unit - Diversus Health
719-572-6100 or 855-277-3678
Diversus – Substance Use Recovery - Teens
Diversus – Youth and Parent Resources
Pikes Peak Suicide Prevention Hotline
Colorado Suicide Prevention
Children’s Hospital Pediatric Mental Health Institute
Children’s Outpatient Psychiatry Clinic
Cedar Springs Hospital – Child and Adolescent Inpatient Acute Care
SAMHSA National Helpline: provides substance abuse and mental health services
Opioid Addiction Hotline
Abuse Hotlines
Children - 844-264-5437
Vulnerable Adults/Elderly - 719-444-5755
Community Resources and Support Groups
Alcoholics Anonymous -
Narcotics Anonymous -
Pikes Peak Area Agency on Aging –
Mosaic -
UCCS Center on Aging -
TESSA – 719-633-3819
Quit Smoking –
Shandy Clinic for Peds –
Depression Bipolar Support Alliance -
Brain Injury Alliance of Colorado (BIAC) -
El Paso County Attorney's Office
Assistance in obtaining guardianship relating to concerns around mental illness, etc.
General information and education about mental illness and lobbying efforts to improve the lives of those with mental illness.